Thursday, November 12, 2009

Zuppa di patata con delle cipolle soffocate

Here to report that one more recipe has been accomplished and put into the repertoire of the dishes i can now make: Potato Soup with Smothered Onion -aka Zuppa di patata con cipolla soffocata or"comfort in a bowl". (hahha, don't things sound better in italian???)

this is another one for those of you who love the mashed potatoes during thanksgiving that have the creaminess of butter and the flavour of onions -yum.

this one actually went down SUPER WELL! without mishaps and without stress. result - absolutely deliciously creamy soup. granted that it took me the better part of an evening, the results were well worth it. i now have homemade soup ready to defrost whenever i need an instant meal.

the basic premises of the soup are 3 ingredients and time: potato, onions and broth (oh, and of course butter) become best friends over the better part of an hour then get squished together to help the creaminess of the soup. the cool this about this is that it doesn't call for a food mill, just a wooden spoon.

some suggestions i'd have for this recipe are:
- cut the amount of butter and oil in half: personally, it was just a little too rich for me
- if you don't have homemade broth, use your favourite canned or cubed beef broth. i think what marcella was going for here was that it should be rather light as you don't want that flavour to over power that of the onions and potatoes

some considerations when making it:
- this recipe takes a while to make and shouldn't be rushed. do it on a lazy saturday or sunday afternoon and make some other stuff (like potato gnocchi!!) while waiting
- when going in to squish the potatoes, wear your dishwashing glove and avoid the possibility of getting burnt with the splashes
- if squishing annoys you, you can always pull out a potato masher (if you have one) and go for a chunky consistency; this is faster, but be sure that the soup isn't bubbling when you do it otherwise you'll definitely get burnt

ok, that's it! hope you enjoy!
(13 down, 506 to go)

p.s. i'll post photos when i can

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